In the context of the launch of “Revolution Is Love: A Year of Black Trans Liberation,” a photo book on the Black trans activist movement in New York City, Aperture featured a portrait from Carlos’ “Souls of a Movement” project and a related quote in its social media platforms.
Revolution Is Love gathers twenty-four photographers (including Carlos) who participated in these actions to share images and words on the demonstrations and their community at large, preserving this legacy as it unfolded. Through photographs, interviews, and text, it celebrates the power of shared joy and struggle in trans community and liberation.
“Souls of a Movement” is an ongoing photo-documentary project on the protagonists of various social protests that have intermittently erupted in New York, London, Buenos Aires and other cities, around racial justice, bodily autonomy and medical freedom, gender identity, freedom of speech, war/peace, mass surveillance, and other human rights issues. Link to post